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A Kettle of Hawks |US Elected Politician Dead (Really)

Written by Ian Reynolds | Dec 16, 2022 11:55:00 PM

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank

Super Hawkish ECB stunned markets this week by finally accepting that inflation is a massive problem and that it needs to be addressed.

"High inflation, tighter financing conditions dampen spending and production."

"Global growth slowing also due to tighter financial conditions."

"Weaker economy could lead to a somewhat higher unemployment rate."

"Job creation is expected to slow."

"Fiscal measures could exacerbate inflationary pressures."

"Price pressures are strong across sectors partly due to high energy costs."

"Supply bottlenecks are gradually easing."

"Depreciation of Euro has added to inflation."

"Wage growth is strengthening."

In Case You Missed It

ECB Raises Rates 50bps and Flags Higher For Longer

FED Raises Rates 50bps and Flags 2% Inflation Target

Bank of England Raises Rates 50bps with CPI at 10.7%

Philly Fed Admits US Jobs Overstated by 1.1m

FED's Kashkari: Govt Debt and Interest Payments Are Not Our Problem (41:25)

You Heard It Here First

US CPI Weighting Changes Feb 2023

US Begins Buying Back Oil For Strategic Reserve


The Fed is Draining US$2,000,000,000,000 Every Single Day

Courtesy Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Pennsylvania State Representative Re-elected Despite Being Dead

'We are proud to see the voters to continue to show their confidence in him and his commitment to Democratic values by re-electing him posthumously,' Pennsylvania House Democrats said